Surfers Paradise Sri Lanka

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Surfers Paradise Sri Lanka

Our vision is to make heaven on earth for beginners and intermedia surfers. Surfers Paradise provides you everything you need with the best quality for fair price all year long; Qualified – experienced surf teachers, variety of  surf boards, wardrobe, sun beds,  great atmosphere and chill music.

Weligama considered to be one of the best places in the world for surf learning.  Nature creates the  best conditions for it; Sandy beach, no riff, long wave 2 ft max, wight waves, no current, warm water temperature. Being located right at the middle bottom of Sri Lanka, makes it an exceptional;  The season in Weligama lasts the whole year and surfing available every day.

We have 6 years experience of teaching and training students. We are helping students to for-fill their higher surfing potential and giving you all the knowledge and tools needed to succeed by your self. We are here to make you a surfer.
