Sea Turtle Hatchery - Habaraduwa

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Sea Turtle Hatchery - Habaraduwa

We are a team of volunteers taking all possible efforts to save the sea surtles for the next generation with the support of well-wishers around the globe. The "Sea Turtle Hatchery" is situated in Habaraduwa (southern part of Sri Lanka - Galle district) near to the beautiful golden sand beach.

The center was started in 1986 and up to now we have released more than 1,000,000 Sea Turtles to the ocean.​​

The sea turtles are one of the rare species found in the world. Their heritage could be traced to more than 100 million years. They are supposed to have lived during the Dinosaurs age. But at present about 8 varieties of turtles are said to be existing.

But due to the destroying of these turtles, there is a threat of these species being eradicated from our planet.
